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Queen Elizabeth Prize Animated Video

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The Brief

To create an animated intro video for the Queen Elizabeth Prize, focusing on the winner, GPS technology.

The Animation

Using a textured white background and sharply detailed technology graphics, we created this smooth explainer animation. Whilst GPS technology is nothing new, the Queen Elizabeth Prize rewards innovations that have had a groundbreaking, long-term effect on all of our lives. Previous technologies that have won include the Internet itself, and digital imaging technology. The prize is given to the engineer, scientist or group who first developed the technology.

The video was used to introduce the background behind the technology, and its applications, before finally revealing the award winners themselves at the end.

First we introduce the prize with a logo reveal, and announce the winner with a simple caption. Then we move into a beautifully designed explainer all about how the technology actually works. We see a GPS location tag on the globe, and then zoom out to see information flying out into space and bouncing off multiple satellites in the earth’s orbit. The signal then goes back down to earth to reach a smartphone, pinpointing the users location.

After this, we see a sequence showing some of the many important applications GPS is used for. These include personal navigation, precision farming, humanitarian aid drops, rescuing ships in distress, and helping locate ocean plastics. We see all of these in action, with a self-driving tractor, plastic bottles floating in the sea, and a parcel being dropped from a plane.

The style of this explainer video animation is tech oriented, with digital elements. It is however clean and bright, as opposed to dark and futuristic, making it easy to follow and understand. The animation was shown at the awards themselves, but also used both on social media and on the QE Prize website.

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